Corrs Chambers Westgarth spins out start-up called Telesto

Australian Financial Review, 9 April 2018 Law Firm Corrs Chambers Westgarth is leading the push from the big tier practice into the technology space, becoming the first in the country to spin out its own start-up. The law firm has created e-discovery and forensic technology start-up called Telesto, which utilises Amazon Web Service's cloud computing [...]

Corrs Chambers Westgarth spins out start-up called Telesto2018-04-13T05:49:42+00:00

Aussie law firm launches e-discovery start-up

Australasian Lawyer, 11 April 2018 A new name in e-discovery has been launched by Corrs Chambers Westgarth. Telesto will operate as a separate business from the law firm but was created by its Legal Technology Solutions Group and will benefit from Corrs' innovations and expertise in the sector. Read the full article here

Aussie law firm launches e-discovery start-up2018-04-13T05:46:22+00:00

One of Australia’s largest independent law firms launched a new tech start-up on Tuesday, via its legal technology solutions group

Lawyers Weekly, 12 April 2018 Corrs Chambers Westgarth announced Telesto, which is described as "a new force in e-discovery cost-effectively bringing top-tier legal expertise and the latest advances in e-discovery and forensic technology and investigations". Read the full article here

One of Australia’s largest independent law firms launched a new tech start-up on Tuesday, via its legal technology solutions group2018-04-13T05:43:47+00:00

Aussie law firm launches e-discovery start-up

IDM, 13 April 2018 Corrs Chambers Westgarth has launched an independent e-discovery services company based on a cloud platform developed by its Legal Technology Solutions Group on Amazon Web Services Read the full article here

Aussie law firm launches e-discovery start-up2018-04-13T05:39:49+00:00

News Articles

Australian Financial Review, 9 April 2018 Corrs Chambers Westgarth spins out start-up called Telesto Australasian Lawyer, 11 April 2018 Aussie law firm launches e-discovery start-up Lawyers Weekly, 12 April 2018 One of Australia's largest independent law firms launched a new tech start-up on Tuesday, via its legal technology solutions group IDM, 13 April 2018 Aussie [...]

News Articles2021-09-29T00:26:54+00:00

Telesto – A ground-breaking e-discovery and forensic technology platform

Telesto, a new force in e-discovery cost-effectively bringing top-tier legal expertise and the latest advances in e-discovery and forensic technology and investigations to the Australian market. An Australian-based start-up, Telesto has been created by Corrs Chambers Westgarth, Australia’s leading independent law firm, via its market-leading Legal Technology Solutions Group. Operating independently from Corrs, Telesto benefits [...]

Telesto – A ground-breaking e-discovery and forensic technology platform2021-09-29T00:29:26+00:00

1.5 million Documents reduced to 200,000 documents uploaded to the review platform

Telesto received 1.5 million documents that required processing onto a review platform. During processing, the technical team applied early case assessment tools reducing the set by 85%, saving the client on processing and hosting costs. The team’s vast experience in this area and ability to apply the right sophisticated analytic tools further reduced the documents [...]

1.5 million Documents reduced to 200,000 documents uploaded to the review platform2017-12-19T05:14:25+00:00

Discovery using predictive coding and data analytics

Swiftly processed and reviewed large volumes of data within budget and more rapidly than the opposition, allowing the legal team to focus on case preparation rather than discovery. The technical team received close to 5 million documents, applying sophisticated data analytic tools the set was reduced to less than 1 million to be processed onto [...]

Discovery using predictive coding and data analytics2017-12-19T05:14:37+00:00

Artificial Intelligence assisting in document review

A Telesto client faced a review of over 6 million documents, where there was low expectation that traditional early case assessment methods would be successful resulting in the adaptation of Ringtail’s Simple Active Learning Predictive Coding model (SAL). A small legal team with expert knowledge of the matter reviewed 15,000 documents which were then used [...]

Artificial Intelligence assisting in document review2021-09-29T00:28:12+00:00

Bespoke chronology solution

A large legal team tasked with creating a chronology for over 7000 supporting documents and were overwhelmed with the complexity and inefficiencies of a typical excel or word system. Telesto’s CasePrep tool provided a collaborative platform. CasePrep, our proprietary multi-user platform, provided the team with an efficient chronology tool that also doubled as the perfect [...]

Bespoke chronology solution2017-12-19T07:10:43+00:00